Ten Animals Arrested for Serious Crimes
By Sreeshma Dasan K
Viral Stories

Ten Animals Arrested for Serious Crimes

2.The Spying pigeon

The suspicious appearing pigeon landed in the town of Manwal, a little town on the India/Pakistan boundary. When a 14-year-old boy found that it switched it over to police.

Once in police Prosecution, the bird has been probed. It was revealed that the bird’s body has been left with a message composed partially in Urdu–Pakistan’s official language–what seemed to be a cell number. The officers took it into a veterinary hospital to get x-rays. Although authorities affirmed nothing unusual has been deciphered from the concept, they maintained the bird into their custody as a “suspected spy”

Nevertheless, not everybody took the information as severely as the Indian authorities did: In the days after the bird’s arrest, Pakistani social networking was bombarded with memes constituting the feathered detainee as a slick 007 kind, and entertained net users coined hashtags such as #PigeonVsIndia and #IfIWereAPigeon.

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